This version of OSX is not able to perform the necessary dSYM transformations This version of OSX is not able to perform the necessary dSYM transformations jenkins jenkins

This version of OSX is not able to perform the necessary dSYM transformations

Your version of the Fabric pod is not able to handle symbols from the latest version of MacOS. You'll want to update to the latest pod version (1.10.2 as of 10/21/2019). You may need to sudo gem install cocoapods, pod repo update, pod cache clean, target the newer versions in your Podfile (see next paragraph), and pod update.

I had v1.9.0 of the pod and was getting the same error. I had to target '~> 1.10' specifically or it wouldn't update. Since my project also includes the Crashlytics pod, I had to update that one as well ('~> 3.14', specifically).

Build, profit. Best of luck!

Updated: (16th Nov 2020 onwards)

Remove older pod 'Fabric' & pod 'Crashlytics' from Podfile. Add following dependencies.

# Add the pod for Firebase Crashlyticspod 'Firebase/Crashlytics'# Recommended: Add the Firebase pod for Google Analyticspod 'Firebase/Analytics'

Older :

Please check whether you are using latest Crashlytics & Fabric library.

pod 'Fabric', '~> 1.10.2'pod 'Crashlytics', '~> 3.14.0'

Next Step:

  • update your podfile with these pods
  • Then run pod install

Now, build the project, it should work.

Here is what I did to make the upload-symbols tool work:

In my Podfile, removed the version limit for Fabric and Crashlytics.

Mine was as follows:

  pod 'Fabric', '~> 1.7.13'  pod 'Crashlytics', '~> 3.10.7'

And I changed it to:

  pod 'Fabric'  pod 'Crashlytics'

I then executed pod install and then the script was able to function.