To Perform Maven Release; Build Environment field is not appering in the Hudson Project's configuration To Perform Maven Release; Build Environment field is not appering in the Hudson Project's configuration jenkins jenkins

To Perform Maven Release; Build Environment field is not appering in the Hudson Project's configuration

Your question lacks any information whatsoever.

What jenkins.pdf? What book? Provide a link maybe, so that we would at least know what you are referring to.

Build Environment section is after Build and Build Settings sections
It is also before the Post-build Actions section

When you check mark Configure M2 Extra Build Steps, more options will be shown.
If you don't see Configure M2 Extra Build Steps, you are probably not configuring a "Maven" project (maybe you are doing "free-style").

Jenkins/Hudson doesn't let you change the type of project job after it is first created, nor does it show anywhere what type it is.
Go back to Hudson/Jenkins dashboard, and click New Job. Make sure to select Build a maven2/3 project. Then look for those steps in this project

I had the same problem and solved it with add EnvInject Plugin, after i installed it:

  • Manage Jenkins->Manage Plugins->Available

my problem is solved and Build Environments start to seen in my configuration.