Unable to access Jenkins from browser on Windows Unable to access Jenkins from browser on Windows jenkins jenkins

Unable to access Jenkins from browser on Windows

If you have installed Jenkins on CentOS 7.1, you should add a rule in firewall for port 8080, or at least disable firewalld.

To disable firewalld, you can use these commands:

systemctl stop firewalld

systemctl disable firewalld

After this you should be able to reach Jenkins on port 8080.

Stop Firewall + start tomcat

Find where you have the iptables, then put them down like this:/etc/init.d/iptables stop(might be some different location on your computer)

Then start up the tomcat you'll have a script like this:startup.sh (in my computer the path is /usr/share/apache-tomcat-7.0.56/bin/)

Please try it out.


JENKINS_HTTPS_LISTEN_ADDRESS="Public IP"  >> /etc/sysconfig/jenkins


/etc/init.d/jenkins restart