Unable to install Jenkins on Minikube using Helm due to the permission on mac Unable to install Jenkins on Minikube using Helm due to the permission on mac jenkins jenkins

Unable to install Jenkins on Minikube using Helm due to the permission on mac

There are a couple potentials in here, but there is a solution without switching to runAsUser 0 (which breaks security assessments).

The folder /data/jenkins-volume is created as root by default, with a 755 permission set so you can't create persistent data in this dir with the default jenkins build.

  • To fix this, enter minikube with $ minikube ssh and run: $ chown 1000:1000 /data/jenkins-volume

The other thing that could be biting you (after fixing the folder permissions) is SELinux policies, when you are running your Kubernetes on a RHEL based OS.

  • To fix this: $ chcon -R -t svirt_sandbox_file_t /data/jenkins-volume

It was resolved

I just set runAsUser to 0 everywhere.

runAsUser to 0 everywhere worked, but this not the ideal solution due to potential security issues. Good for dev environment but not for prod.