UnknownHostException for embedded Mongo DB tests in Jenkins build UnknownHostException for embedded Mongo DB tests in Jenkins build jenkins jenkins

UnknownHostException for embedded Mongo DB tests in Jenkins build

I managed to reproduce the same error locally and, if you haven't solved it yet, this is my take.

Remove all MongoDB custom configurations/properties, then add the following class to your project:

@Configurationpublic class MongoTestConfig {    @Bean    MongoProperties properties() {        MongoProperties mongoProperties = new MongoProperties();        mongoProperties.setPort(33333);        mongoProperties.setHost("localhost");        return mongoProperties;    }}

Make sure you tag your test class (UserRepositoryTest) with these three annotations:


@DataMongoTest ignores all other bean definitions so we force the test to include the configuration that we just created using the explicit @Import.

Now the test will be forced to run on localhost. Hope it's going to work for you as it did for me! 😁

If dev096.dev.cloud.******.eu is a host used only in production, then your production server needs to know that host; not your local PC, nor Jenkins.

Ideally, you'd run your Jenkins tests using a 'jenkins' Spring profile, and then define the localhost in application-jenkins.properties.

Unfortunately, none of your solutions worked for me, but I found out later that dev096.dev.cloud.******.eu is the Jenkins instance itself.

The fix was to add an entry in /etc/hosts/ such that the server's IP to be also recognized as dev096.dev.cloud.******.eu