unstable build with unstable with unstable build with unstable with jenkins jenkins

unstable build with unstable with

If mvn test fails, it will return a non-zero exit code. In this case, the sh step throws an AbortException with "script returned exit code X", causing the Pipeline to stop executing, and being marked as FAILURE.

So, you need to find the Maven configuration that returns exit code 0, even if there are test failures. Then the pipeline will continue, and you can parse the test results.

Or, you can check the exit code yourself, e.g. assuming that Maven returns an exit code 123 to denote test failures:

// Attempt to execute the testsint exitCode = sh script: 'mvn test', returnStatus: true// Check whether testing succeeded, or a known failure code was returnedif (exitCode == 0 || exitCode == 123) {    // Attempt to parse the test results, if they exist    junit '**/test-results-dir/TEST-*.xml'    // At this point, the pipeline will have been marked as 'UNSTABLE',    // assuming that parsing the results found at least one test failure} else {    // Something unexpected happened (e.g. compile failure); stop pipeline.    // This will cause the pipeline to be marked as 'FAILURE'    error("Testing failed with exit code ${exitCode}.")}

I achieve the exact same behavior using the junit step and the Maven option -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true.

Here is an example from my Jenkinsfile :

stage('Build') {    ...    // Run Maven build and don't fail on errors    withMaven(            maven: 'Maven3',            mavenSettingsConfig: 'provided-config-file') {        sh "mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true"    }    // publish test results    junit '**/target/surefire-reports/*.xml'}

The -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true option make Maven to return 0 if tests failed, instead of 1.

If the return code of a command ran with sh is different from 0, the build status is set to FAILED and the build stops.

With this option, Maven returns 0 if tests failed, so the build proceeds to the next step.

The junit step archive the tests results, and sets the build status to UNSTABLE if some tests failed.

The following works, but there must be a better solution. I'm pretty disappointed with the pipeline support so far on Jenkins 2.19.2, it feels a bit half baked.

def runTests() {  setTestStatus(sh (returnStatus: true, script: 'mvn clean test'))}@NonCPSdef setTestStatus(testStatus) {  if (testStatus == 0) {    currentBuild.result = 'SUCCESS'  } else {    def testResult = currentBuild.rawBuild.getAction(hudson.tasks.junit.TestResultAction.class)    currentBuild.result = (testResult != null && testResult.failCount > 0) ? 'UNSTABLE' : 'FAILURE'  }}