Uploaded War or Tar information is not printing on Jenkins console after upgrading to Gradle 6 Uploaded War or Tar information is not printing on Jenkins console after upgrading to Gradle 6 jenkins jenkins

Uploaded War or Tar information is not printing on Jenkins console after upgrading to Gradle 6


If you simply would like to get back the log messages for uploaded files, then you have to use Gradle’s --info command line option. To stay with your example:

gradle --info publishBootJavaPublicationToMavenRepository

Some Background

I don’t know why but obviously the log level for these messages has changed from LIFECYLCE to INFO with Gradle 4.10. You can see the difference with the --debug option when publishing:

  • with Gradle 4.9 you get:
11:44:55.666 [LIFECYCLE] [org.gradle.internal.resource.transfer.ProgressLoggingExternalResourceUploader] Upload
  • with Gradle 4.10.3 you get:
11:55:44.666 [INFO] [org.gradle.api.publication.maven.internal.action.LoggingMavenTransferListener] Uploading: com/example/foo/3.0.0/foo-3.0.0.zip to repository remote at

Unfortunately, this change does neither seem to be mentioned in the release notes nor any issue/commit – or at least I couldn’t find any such mentions. For completeness’ sake, here are all release notes entries for Gradle versions newer than 4.6 that are related to console logging: