Using Jenkins for Gulp based project Using Jenkins for Gulp based project jenkins jenkins

Using Jenkins for Gulp based project

You will find here a guide on how to setup your Jenkins machine to handle javascscript builds, specifically: how to get to the point of installing your npm packages and running a task runner (gulp/grunt).

It details how to install bower and grunt, but changing one of the commands to install gulp instead of grunt-cli should be all that you need to change:

instead of :

npm install -g bower grunt-cli

you would run:

npm install -g gulp

Also, feel free to skip the parts about SonarQube.

it's strange to see it unanswered.firstly you should install node and to add its path to PATH variableafter that you are free to use something likenode node_modules\gulp\bin\gulp.js yourtaskname as your build step

Simply specify the path to the your gulp file followed by the task name e.g.

path_to_gulp_file taskname