Xcode4 show all output (remove “Showing first 200 notices only”) in Terminal Xcode4 show all output (remove “Showing first 200 notices only”) in Terminal jenkins jenkins

Xcode4 show all output (remove “Showing first 200 notices only”) in Terminal

Just use xcodebuild cli. In Jenkins set "invoke script" step with following content:xcodebuild clean test -project SOMEPROJECT.xcodeproj -scheme SOMECHEME -destination 'name=iPhone 6,OS=9.1'

You can basically do this in one of the following ways:

a. Add this in your configuration files. OTHER_CFLAGS (Other C Flags)
e.g. OTHER_CFLAGS=-ferror-limit=0

c. INFOPLIST_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS (Info.plist Preprocessor Definitions)

If in Xcode you want to try, Select Show the issue navigator in left side pane ,select the target, if you have any linker warning or Dsymutil Warning , click anyone of that, you should be able to see the list of all the warning, filter it with by selecting "ALL" and "ALL Issues" in right side pane. You will now be able to see total warnings with details.enter image description here