Autocomplete requires you to click twice in iOS after update to 1.11.0 Autocomplete requires you to click twice in iOS after update to 1.11.0 jquery jquery

Autocomplete requires you to click twice in iOS after update to 1.11.0

Just a bit later, but

$("#input").autocomplete({    open: function(event, ui) {        $('.ui-autocomplete').off('menufocus hover mouseover mouseenter');    }});

For some strange reason @onlydimon's answer didn't work for me. It seems like we do need event mouseenter. Following answer worked well for me.

open: function (result) {            if (navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad)/)) {                $('.ui-autocomplete').off('menufocus hover mouseover');            }        },

I have added a condition to make sure that it doesn't break in other devices.

Building on onlydimon’s solution:

var input = $("#input")// Initialize autocompleteinput.autocomplete()// Retrieve the autocomplete list and remove the mouseenter event// which seems to trip up iOS Safariinput.autocomplete('widget').off('mouseenter')

I narrowed down the list of events to just jQuery's 'mouseenter' event. Removing just this one fixes the bug for me. Also, no need to remove it every time the list is opened; once is enough.