Avoiding ambiguous mustaches from Jinja2 that includes jQuery templates Avoiding ambiguous mustaches from Jinja2 that includes jQuery templates jquery jquery

Avoiding ambiguous mustaches from Jinja2 that includes jQuery templates

You can use the {% raw %}{% endraw %} construct to ease your escaping woes (straight from the Jinja2 docs).


<script type='text/x-jquery-template'>    <div>The people are:        {% raw %}<!-- Everything in here will be left untouched by Jinja2 -->        {{ each people }}           ${$value}        {{ /each }}        {% endraw %}    </div></script>

I have found this via google while experimenting with polymer but did not like the proposed solution, so another alternative: Use filters.

In your python code define a filter:

#Filter to create curly braces@app.template_filter('curly')def curly(value):    #Handle value as string  {{'foo'|curly}}    if(isinstance(value,str)):        return_value = value    #Handle value directly. {{foo|curly}}    else:        return_value = value._undefined_name    return "{{" + return_value + "}}"

Then in your template you can use {{'foo'|curly}} or {{foo|curly}}

PS: If you don't use flask I think you can't use the decorator but have to register the filter explicitly instead: environment.filters['curly'] = curly.