Best practices for declaring functions inside jquery ready function Best practices for declaring functions inside jquery ready function jquery jquery

Best practices for declaring functions inside jquery ready function

I believe that you would be okay just declaring the function inside the ready() closure, but here you can be a bit more explicit about the local scoping:

jQuery.ready(function() {     var myFunc = function() {           // do some stuff here     };     myFunc();});

It might sound simple but you just ... declare the function. Javascript allows functions to have inner functions.

$(document).ready( function() {   alert("hello! document is ready!");   function multiply(a, b) {       return a * b;   }   alert("3 times 5 is " + multiply(3, 5));});

I have a StartUp function, and I use it as printed bellow:

function StartUp(runnable){    $(document).ready(;}var ExternalLinks ={    run: function()    {        $('a[rel="external"]').bind('click',;    },    click: function(event)    {        open(this.href);        return false;    }}StartUp(ExternalLinks);var ConfirmLinks ={    run: function()    {        $('a.confirm').bind('click',;    },    click: function(event)    {        if (!confirm(this.title)) {            return false;        }    }}StartUp(ConfirmLinks);

My web sites are modular, so every module has N actions and every action can have a .js file, so I just write function and call it with StartUp(...functionName...)