Bootstrap $('#myModal').modal('show') is not working Bootstrap $('#myModal').modal('show') is not working jquery jquery

Bootstrap $('#myModal').modal('show') is not working

Most common reason for such problems are

1.If you have defined the jquery library more than once.

<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script><script src=""></script>    <div class="modal fade" id="myModal" aria-hidden="true">    ...    ...    </div><script src=""></script>

The bootstrap library gets applied to the first jquery library but when you reload the jquery library, the original bootstrap load is lost(Modal function is in bootstrap).

2.Please wrap your JavaScript code inside


3.Please check if the id of the modal is same

as the one you have defined for the component(Also check for duplication's of same id ).

<div class="modal fade" id="myModal" aria-hidden="true">   ...   ...</div>

Note: Remove fade class from the div and enjoy it should be worked

This can happen for a few reasons:

  1. You forgot to include Jquery library in the document
  2. You included the Jquery library more than once in the document
  3. You forgot to include bootstrap.js library in the document
  4. The versions of your Javascript and Bootstrap does not match. Refer bootstrap documentation to make sure the versions are matching
  5. The modal <div> is missing the modal class
  6. The id of the modal <div> is incorrect. (eg: you wrongly prepended # in the id of the <div>)
  7. # sign is missing in the Jquery selector