Capture the event after a section element has finished loading Capture the event after a section element has finished loading jquery jquery

Capture the event after a section element has finished loading

You can use a MutationObserver to detect when nodes are added to .k-content, clone them using jQuery, and append them after .Placeafterthis (demo):

var kContent = $('.k-content'); // the original container in which the items will be placedvar $Placeafterthis = $('.Placeafterthis'); // the cloned elements target marker placeholderfunction mutationHandler(mutation) { // the mutation handler will deal with the addition of new nodes to the original container    var addedNodes = mutation.addedNodes;    if (!addedNodes.length) { // if no added nodes return        return;    }    $.each(addedNodes, function () { // iterate the add nodes        var $element = $(this);        if (!$element.hasClass('rbs-section')) { // if the node doesn't have the right class continue to the next one            return true;        }        var $prevSections = $Placeafterthis.find('~ .rbs-section'); // find if there are already sections append to the target        var $target = $prevSections.length === 0 ? $Placeafterthis : $prevSections.last(); // if there are sections take the last, if not use the marker        /** note that using .clone(true) will also clone all jQuery event handlers and data from the original element. If you don't need this behavior, just use .clone() **/        $target.after($element.clone(true)); // append after the target    });}var observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) { // create a new mutation observer    mutations.forEach(mutationHandler);});var config = { // config should include only childList because we just want added nodes     childList: true};observer.observe(kContent.get(0), config); // watch the original container with the observer

Try utilizing $.get() , appending response to .k-content , filtering id of selected section element at response to clone , add character to id to prevent duplicate id's in DOM , insert after .Placeafterthis ; define getSections set with jQuery promise object as this , recursively call getSections to return Array.prototype.shift() on sections array to return $.get() for each item at index 0 in order, else if false returned by !! operator on section[0] return this.promise()

    // `id`s of `section` elements to append to `.k-content`    var sections = ["#id1", "#id2", "#id3"];    // selected `id` to do stuff with    var selected = sections[1];    // container    var container = $(".k-content");    // `complete` handler for `$.get()` requests    function selectedId(html, textStatus, jqxhr) {        // decode `data` : `id` sent with request        var id = decodeURIComponent(this.url.split("?")[1]).split("=")[1];        // append `section` to `container`        container.append($(html).filter(id));        // if `selected` appended to `container` ,        // and `selected` is not in `DOM` directly after `.Placeafterthis` element        // clone `selected` , append after `.Placeafterthis` element        if (container.find(selected).is("*")           && !$(".Placeafterthis + " + selected + "-a").is("*")) {            var clone = $(selected, container).clone()                        .attr("id", selected.slice(1) + "-a");            $(".Placeafterthis").after(clone)        }    }    var getSections = function getSections() {        var p = sections.shift();        return !!sections                && $.get(""               , {"id": p}, selectedId).then(getSections)    };    getSections()    .then(function() {      console.log("complete")    })


I got the cloning code from here and modified as needed. Using the asyncon the last script tag always works for me, but use it on an external script, I just did it inline for demonstration purposes. Most importantly the script is at the closing body tag to avoid blocking. Attached an event listener on the DOMContentLoaded event, that's when the sections should be ready (unless there's iframes in the sections...). I colored all of the elements' borders for easy viewing.

UPDATE: After reading guest271314's post, it reminded me that I neglected to consider the clone's IDs. As clones they'd have identical ids as well, so I refactored it a bit and added a bit of Star Wars.

section[id^="id"] {  border: 3px solid silver;  width: 200px;  height: 25px;}section[id^="st"] {  border: 3px solid black;  width: 200px;  height: 25px;}.kamino-content {  border: 3px dashed blue;  width: 200px;  height: 200px;}.Placeafterthis {  border: 3px dotted orange;  width: 200px;  height: 75px;}
<div class="Placeafterthis">  Place After This</div><div class="kamino-content">  <section class="fett-dna" id="id1" name="jango">    .. // section content  </section>  <section class="fett-dna" id="id2" name="jango">    .. // section content  </section>  <section class="fett-dna" id="id3" name="jango">    .. // section content  </section>  Kamino-Content</div><script src=""></script><!-- You should really do this: <script async src="external.js"></script> --><script async>  document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", cloneLab, false);  function cloneLab() {    var vat = $('.kamino-content'),      squad = $('.fett-dna').size(),      fett = vat.find('.fett-dna');    fett.each(function(idx, val) {      var trooper = $(this).clone();      trooper.attr("id", "st" + (squad + idx)).attr("name", "stormtrooper");      trooper.insertAfter('.Placeafterthis');    });  }</script>