Center (proportional font) text in an HTML5 canvas Center (proportional font) text in an HTML5 canvas jquery jquery

Center (proportional font) text in an HTML5 canvas

You can do this by using measureText

var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"),    ctx = canvas.getContext("2d")canvas.width = 400;canvas.height = 200;ctx.fillStyle = "#003300";ctx.font = '20px sans-serif';var textString = "Hello look at me!!!",    textWidth = ctx.measureText(textString ).width;ctx.fillText(textString , (canvas.width/2) - (textWidth / 2), 100);

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If you don't necesserilly need a width of the text but just want to center text you can do

  canvas_context.textBaseline = 'middle';  canvas_context.textAlign = "center";

Which should put a text centered both vertically and horizontally. states in the textAlign descriptionthat the alignment is based on the x value of the context's fillText() method. That is, the property does not center the text in the canvas horizontally; it centers the text around the given x coordinate. Similar applies for the textBaseLine.

So in order to center the text in both directions, we need to set thosetwo properties and position the text in the middle of the canvas.

ctx.textBaseline = 'middle'; ctx.textAlign = 'center'; ctx.fillText('Game over', canvas_width/2, canvas_height/2);