CodeIgniter and Javascript/Jquery Library CodeIgniter and Javascript/Jquery Library jquery jquery

CodeIgniter and Javascript/Jquery Library

Put the code in the config.php like this:

$config['javascript_location'] = 'js/jquery/jquery.js';$config['javascript_ajax_img'] = 'images/ajax-loader.gif';

In your controller file (e.g. controllers/sample.php) type this codes:

 function __construct()   {        parent::__construct();            $this->load->library('javascript');                       }function index(){    $data['library_src'] = $this->jquery->script();    $data['script_head'] = $this->jquery->_compile();    $this->load->view('sampleview', $data);}

In your view file (e.g. views/sampleview.php) type this codes:

<?php echo $library_src;?><?php echo $script_head;?>

This works for me. I hope it works for you too. XD

It is important to note that this Driver is marked as experimental so I wouldn't rely on it.

Also, personally I think it's asking for confusion and headaches to try and directly mix server-side portions of your applications with client side portions.

To use javascript in your views, I would just start out by loading them like this...

<script type="text/javascript" src="<?= base_url() ?>path/to/jquery.js"></script>

Because this driver is experimental the documentation isn't quite there yet. But I was able to find a solution.

First, the documentation has an error in it. Unless you change the core Javascript library (not suggested) the reference variable is not $script_head but in fact$script_foot.

Second, once you've finished making your calls, it seems you need to run




These functions set the $library_src and $script_foot variables.

To put it all together, in your controller you would have:

class Some_Controller extends CI_Controller {   public function index()   {       $this->javascript->click('#button', "alert('Hello!');");       $this->javascript->external();       $this->javascript->compile();       $this->load->view('index');   }}

In your view you would have

<html>  <head>     <?php echo $library_src; ?>     <?php echo $script_foot; ?>