Draw an arrow between two divs Draw an arrow between two divs jquery jquery

Draw an arrow between two divs

You might consider SVG.

enter image description here

In particular, you can use a line with a marker-end shaped with an arrow-path.

Be sure to set orient=auto so the arrowhead will be rotated to match the slope of the line.

Since SVG is a DOM element, you can control the start/end position of the line in javascript.

Here is code and a Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/m1erickson/9aCsJ/

<svg width="300" height="100">    <defs>        <marker id="arrow" markerWidth="13" markerHeight="13" refx="2" refy="6" orient="auto">            <path d="M2,2 L2,11 L10,6 L2,2" style="fill:red;" />        </marker>    </defs>    <path d="M30,150 L100,50"          style="stroke:red; stroke-width: 1.25px; fill: none;                 marker-end: url(#arrow);"    /></svg>

I have no idea whether anybody looks at this thread anymore but here's the solution i used, it differs only slightly from @markE answer in that this answer makes it much easier to specify exactly where the line needs to start and stop.

<head>  <style>    .arrow{      stroke:rgb(0,0,0);      stroke-width:2;       marker-end:url(#markerArrow)    }  </style></head><body>  <svg height="210" width="500">    <defs>        <marker id="markerArrow" markerWidth="13" markerHeight="13" refX="2" refY="6"               orient="auto">            <path d="M2,2 L2,11 L10,6 L2,2" style="fill: #000000;" />        </marker>    </defs>        <line x1="0" y1="0" x2="200" y2="100" class="arrow" />  </svg></body>

All you have to do is change the x and y coordinates of the line! I used this answer in my react app and it worked beautifully.And heres the fiddle.