Enable HTTP Geolocation For Local Firefox Debugging Enable HTTP Geolocation For Local Firefox Debugging jquery jquery

Enable HTTP Geolocation For Local Firefox Debugging

Im wondering why its still working for me but this is my code:

    function geolocate() {      if (navigator.geolocation) {        navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(            function(position) {                let lat = position.coords.latitude;                let lng = position.coords.longitude;                var geolocation = {                    lat: lat,                    lng: lng                };                document.getElementById('lat').value = lat;                document.getElementById('lng').value = lng;                console.log("----------------------------------------------");                console.log("Found Location: "+ lat + " / " + lng);                var google_maps_geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();                google_maps_geocoder.geocode(                    { 'latLng': geolocation },                    function( results, status ) {                        let street = results[0].address_components[1].long_name;                        let number = results[0].address_components[0].long_name;                        let plz = results[0].address_components[6].long_name;                        let city = results[3].address_components[0].long_name;                        //let country = results[7].formatted_address;                        let full = street+" "+number+", "+plz+" "+city;                        // write the values in the fields                        document.getElementById('autocomplete').value = full;                        document.getElementById('route').value = street;                        document.getElementById('street_number').value = number;                        document.getElementById('postal_code').value = plz;                        document.getElementById('locality').value = city;                        //document.getElementById('country').value = country;                        console.log("User Address: "+street+" "+number+", "+plz+" "+city);                        $.ajax({                            type: 'POST',                            url: 'include/set-location.inc.php',                            data: {lat: lat, lng: lng, street: street, number: number, plz: plz, city: city, full: full},                            dataType: 'json',                            success: function(response) {                                if(response.status === 'success') {                                    console.log("Saved address in a cookie!");                                    if (site === "jobs") {                                        location.reload(true);                                    }                                }                            }                        });                    }                );            });      }    }

the browser "question":the browser "question":

my console:enter image description here

I hope my code will help you ;)

You can test on localhost without encryption

Firefox will not send Geolocation over a non secure connection and this behaviour cannot be disabled. However, localhost is considered to be a secure connection so that might be an option when testing. This also explains why Christopher Supertramp could try his code over http- he's on localhost.

This is from Mozilla documentation:

Locally delivered files such as http://localhost and file:// paths are considered to have been delivered securely.
