Get name of time zone Get name of time zone jquery jquery

Get name of time zone

Can I get the name of the time zone of the client by using jQuery?

No. jQuery has only one date/time function, which is $.now().

If you meant JavaScript, the answer is still no. You can only obtain a time zone offset from date.getTimezoneOffset(). You can't get a time zone - at least not in all browsers. Refer to the timezone tag wiki's section titled: "Time Zone != Offset"

You can guess at the time zone, by using the jsTimeZoneDetect library, but it is just a guess. It may or may not be accurate.

You can also now use moment.js with the moment-timezone add on. It now supports time zone guessing with

If you can guarantee your users are running in an environment that fully supports the ECMAScript Internationalization API, you can get the user's time zone like this:


You can review the compatibility table, under DateTimeFormat - resolvedOptions().timezone defaults to the host environment to determine which environments this will work in.

Honestly, the best thing to do is to just give your user a screen somewhere that they can select their timezone. You might use a drop-down list, or you might use a map-based timezone picker - like this one. You can use jsTimeZoneDetect as a default value, but your user should be able to change it.

Also, all of these are going to give you an IANA time zone identifier, such as America/Los_Angeles. But the examples you gave appear to be Windows time zone ids (for use with TimeZoneInfo in .net). You should read the timezone tag wiki, and then also this question: How to translate between Windows and IANA time zones?

The output of new Date() is Wed Aug 14 2013 22:02:13 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time), can you use that? If you don't need the official name, you can just use what's in between the parentheses

function getTimeZone() {    return /\((.*)\)/.exec(new Date().toString())[1];}getTimeZone(); // Pacific Daylight Time 

As an alternative below is the way to get timezone with pure javascript:

(new Date).toString().split('(')[1].slice(0, -1)