Global variable is logged as undefined when passed as parameter to setTimeout callback function Global variable is logged as undefined when passed as parameter to setTimeout callback function jquery jquery

Global variable is logged as undefined when passed as parameter to setTimeout callback function

Alternatively you can do it without creating a closure.

function myFunction(str1, str2) {  alert(str1); //hello  alert(str2); //world}window.setTimeout(myFunction, 10, 'hello', 'world');

But note it doesn't work on IE < 10 according to MDN.

When setTimeout invokes the callback, it doesn't pass any arguments (by default); that is, the argument x is undefined when the callback is invoked.

If you remove the parameter x, x in the function body won't refer to the undefined parameter but instead to the variable you defined outside the call to setTimeout().

var x = "hello";setTimeout(function () { //note: no 'x' parameter    console.log("setTimeout ... : " + x);}, 1000);

Alternatively, if it must be a parameter, you can pass it as an argument to setTimeout (do yourself a favor and name it differently, though):

var x = "hello";setTimeout(function (y) {    console.log("setTimeout ... : " + y);}, 1000, x);

Ran into this myself and looked at the Node docs, arguments to be passed into the function come in as a 3rd(or more) parameter to the setTimeout call so...

myfunc = function(x){console.log(x)};x = "test";setTimeout(myfunc,100,x);

Worked for me.