How Can i scale Raphael js elements on window resize using jquery How Can i scale Raphael js elements on window resize using jquery jquery jquery

How Can i scale Raphael js elements on window resize using jquery

If you use Raphaël version 2.0 or later an alternative is to call paper.setViewBox to setup your coordinate system, and then let the browsers handle the resizing automatically.

Update: Ok, turns out Raphaël is a bit less auto-scalable than I thought... anyway, here's an example (raphaël still sets an absolute width/height on the root <svg>, so they need to be removed for normal svg scaling to take place). The size is then decided by CSS, and the svg is just fit into the area given. It's possible to tweak this to deal with overflowing content, which can happen due to the svg viewBox aspect-ratio not matching the CSS box it's placed into. You do this by adding a preserveAspectRatio attribute to the root svg element.

You can read more about the values you can set on the svg preserveAspectRatio attribute here, but the three values that are probably of interest are 'none' (for squeezing/stretching to fit whatever rect is given), 'xMidYMid slice' (to scale up to fill the rect, possibly clipping away some parts if the aspect doesn't match), 'xMidYMid meet' (this is the default, same as not specifying pAR at all, and means the content will be centered and will overflow in one direction if aspect doesn't match).

    var paper = Raphael("wrap");    paper.setViewBox(0,0,w,h,true);    paper.setSize('100%', '100%');

Used this (paper.setViewBox) with paper.setSize('100%', '100%') and resize of window with resize of svg content working without using svg functions direcly.

i think i found a solution : the following code will re scale all the element when re size the window , and this is what i was looking for

            var w = $(window).width();            var h = $(window).height();            function draw(w, h) {                var paper = Raphael($('#wrap').attr('id'), w, h);                paper.setViewBox(0, 0, 1500, 1500, true);                var rec = paper.rect(0, 0, 200, 200).attr({ stroke: 'black' });                var cir =, 100, 50);            };            draw(w, h);            function resize() {                var xw = $(window).width();                var xh = $(window).height();                draw(xw, xh)            }            $(window).resize(resize);

reference from @Erik Dahlström : Paper.setViewBox(x, y, w, h, fit) AND‘viewBox’ attribute