How can I send int array from ajax to c# mvc? How can I send int array from ajax to c# mvc? jquery jquery

How can I send int array from ajax to c# mvc?

$.ajax({          url: <Url of the action>,          type: "POST",          data: JSON.stringify([1,2,3]),          dataType: "json",          contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8'});

and in the action.

public ActionResult ReceiveIntArray(int[] ints){   ...}

mvc should parse the json automatically.

check out this question.

Try solution from this question:

Set the traditional property to true before making the get call. i.e.:

jQuery.ajaxSettings.traditional = true$.get('/controller/MyAction',     { vals: arrayOfValues },     function (data) {      ...    }

The way I'm doing it is with a simple input:hidden element

<input type="hidden" name="elements" value='@String.Join(",", ViewBag.MyArray)' />

And in the JavaScript code I'm passing it as a string:

$.ajax({   type: "POST",   url: '/Controller/Method',   data:      {          recipients: $("input[name=elements]").val()      },      traditional: true,      success: updateSelected});

And finally I just Split the elements like this:

[AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)]public ActionResult Method(string elements){    IList<long> selected = elements.Split<long>(',');    ...}