How do I render partial via ajax in rails3 and jQuery How do I render partial via ajax in rails3 and jQuery jquery jquery

How do I render partial via ajax in rails3 and jQuery

Okay, let's start with the controller.

def show_rec_horses  @rec_horses = Horses.find(:all)  respond_to do |format|    format.html # show_rec_horses.html.erb    format.js   # show_rec_horses.js.erb  endend

This will make sure the correct templates are being rendered for either a html request or a javascript request. If you just need to respond to a javascript request, delete the html part.

Now let's say you have a page containing the following:

<p><%= link_to 'Show Horses', show_rec_horses_path, remote: true %></p><div id="interactionContainer"></div>

Clicking the link will make a request to the show_rec_horses action in your controller, this action will render the javascript file show_rec_horses.js.erb.

This javascript file should contain something like this:

$('#interactionContainer').html('<%=j render partial: 'horses/reccommended', locals: { rec_horses: @rec_horses } %>')

Now your container will be filled with the content of horses/_reccommended.html.erb, which for example could contain:

<% rec_horses.all.each do |rec_horse| %>  <p><%= %></p><% end %>