How does jQuery .data() work? How does jQuery .data() work? jquery jquery

How does jQuery .data() work?

Have a look at the source for it.

From a quick glimpse, it looks like it's storing the data in that cache variable that is created on line 2.


Here's a quick demo that finds the data in the cache:

You can also dump $.cache to your console and explore it manually.

You seem to have gotten the answer to where, but here is a bit on the how. There are some rules you should be aware of before using this.


Adding variables using the object returned from $('.selector').data() works because the data object passes by reference, so anywhere you add a property, it gets added. If you call data() on another element, it gets changed. It is what it is what it is...

var oData = $('#id').data();oData.num = 0;oData.num == $('#id').data().num; // true

Adding an object places a object inside of the data object, as well as "extends the data previously stored with that element." -

That means that adding an obj to dataObj becomes

oData.obj = {};    oData === { /*previous data*/, obj : { } }

Adding an array does not extend the data previously stored, but doesn't behave the same as a simple value either...


If you have simple values stored, you can place them into variables and do what you want with them without changing the data object.


if you are using an object or array to store data on an element, beware!

Just because you store it to a variable does not mean you are not changing data value.Just because you pass it to a function does not mean you are not changing data values!

It is what it is what it is.. unless it's simple.. then it's just a copy. :p

var data             = $("#id").data();  // Get a reference to the data object data.r_redirect      = "index.php";      // Add a string valuedata.num             = 0;                // Add a integer valuedata.arr             = [0,1,2];          // Add an arraydata.obj             = { a : "b" };      // Add an object                                         // but here is where the fun starts! var r_redirectString = data.r_redirect;  // returns "index.php", as expected.. coolr_redirectString     = "changed"         // change the value and the compare :data.r_redirect      == r_redirectString // returns false, the values are differentvar oArr             = data.arr;         // Now lets copy this arrayoArr.push(3);                            // and modify            == oArr              // should be false? Nope. returns true.                                         // arrays are passed by reference.                                         // but..var oObj             = data.obj          // what about objects?       oObj["key"]          = "value";          // modify the variable anddata.obj["key"]     == oObj["key"]       // it returns true, too!

So, resources..

What's the best way to store multiple values for jQuery's $.data()?

You can inspect it by just calling .data() without params, like this:

$("div").data("thing", "value");​​​​​​console.log($("div").data());//or...console.log($.data($("div").get(0)));

As for the "where", it's stored in a global jQuery cache object under a key that represents your element. Calling .data() really returns, or tack on a key to that if you called for a specific value from it.