How to add delay to jquery mouseover? [duplicate] How to add delay to jquery mouseover? [duplicate] jquery jquery

How to add delay to jquery mouseover? [duplicate]

You can use setTimeout

var delay=1000, setTimeoutConst;$('.img').on('hover', function() {  setTimeoutConst = setTimeout(function() {    // do something  }, delay);}, function() {  clearTimeout(setTimeoutConst);});

You could do that using a setTimeout along with a clearTimeout if the user leaves too soon:

var timer;var delay = 1000;$('#element').hover(function() {    // on mouse in, start a timeout    timer = setTimeout(function() {        // do your stuff here    }, delay);}, function() {    // on mouse out, cancel the timer    clearTimeout(timer);});

Use a timer and clear it when they mouseout incase they leave within 1000ms

var timer;$('.img').on({    'mouseover': function () {        timer = setTimeout(function () {            // do stuff        }, 1000);    },    'mouseout' : function () {        clearTimeout(timer);    }});