How to add pause between each iteration of jQuery .each()? How to add pause between each iteration of jQuery .each()? jquery jquery

How to add pause between each iteration of jQuery .each()?

I added this as a comment but now that I have read it correctly and answered my own question this would probably work:

function positionCards() {  var $cards = $('#gameboard .card');  var time = 500;  $cards.each(function() {      setTimeout( function(){ addPositioningClass($(this)); }, time)      time += 500;  });}

Sorry for digging up an old thread, but this tip could be useful for similar issues:

$cards.each(function(index) {    $(this).delay(500*index).addClass('position');});

If you make a method that calls itself every 500 ms that should do that trick. The following code should work.

var __OBJECTS = [];$('#gameboard .card').each(function() {    __OBJECTS.push($(this));});addPositioningClasses();function addPositioningClasses() {    var $card = __OBJECTS.pop();    $card.addClass('position');    if (__OBJECTS.length) {        setTimeout(addPositioningClasses, 500)    }}

Tested on fiddle :