How to change cursor to wait when using jQuery .load() How to change cursor to wait when using jQuery .load() jquery jquery

How to change cursor to wait when using jQuery .load()


Updated to work with jQuery 1.8 +

$(document).ajaxStart(function() {    $(document.body).css({'cursor' : 'wait'});}).ajaxStop(function() {    $(document.body).css({'cursor' : 'default'});});

Cursor changes on any ajax start and end. That includes .load().

Try out the different cursor styles here:

I had to tweak the eloquent answer above to work with jQuery > 1.8.

$(document).ajaxStart(function () {    $(document.body).css({ 'cursor': 'wait' })});$(document).ajaxComplete(function () {    $(document.body).css({ 'cursor': 'default' })});

I don't like the solution that simply add the css property to the body tag: it's not gonna work if you already have a cursor assigned to your element. Like me, I use cursor: pointer; on all my anchor tag. So, I came up with this solution:

Create a CSS class to avoid overwriting the current cursor (to be able to go back to normal afterwards)

.cursor-wait {    cursor: wait !important;}

Create the functions to add and remove the cursor

cursor_wait = function(){    // switch to cursor wait for the current element over    var elements = $(':hover');    if (elements.length)    {        // get the last element which is the one on top        elements.last().addClass('cursor-wait');    }    // use .off() and a unique event name to avoid duplicates    $('html').    off('mouseover.cursorwait').    on('mouseover.cursorwait', function(e)    {        // switch to cursor wait for all elements you'll be over        $('cursor-wait');    });}remove_cursor_wait = function(){    $('html').off('mouseover.cursorwait'); // remove event handler    $('.cursor-wait').removeClass('cursor-wait'); // get back to default}

Then create your ajax function (I don't use events like ajaxStart or ajaxStop because I don't want to use cursor wait with all my ajax call)

get_results = function(){    cursor_wait();    $.ajax({        type: "POST",        url: "myfile.php",        data: { var : something },        success: function(data)        {            remove_cursor_wait();        }    });}

I'm not very familiar with jQuery load(), but I guess it will be something like this:

$('button').click(function(){    cursor_wait();    $('#div1').load('test.txt', function(responseTxt, statusTxt, xhr)    {        if (statusTxt == "success")        { remove_cursor_wait(); }    });});


Hope it helps!