How to check if an element is droppable, draggable or other 'ble'? How to check if an element is droppable, draggable or other 'ble'? jquery jquery

How to check if an element is droppable, draggable or other 'ble'?

You could also use jQuery data() like this..

if ($(elem).data('draggable')) {        alert("yes");}else {        alert("no");}if ($(elem).data('fooable')) {        alert("yes");}else {        alert("no");} 

See it here:

This works for me with JQuery 1.10.2

if ($("el").data('uiDraggable')){ //or uiDroppable   alert("draggable")} else {   alert("not draggable")}

Alternatively it is possible to invoke .data() method without argument


That should print something like

Object {uiDraggable: $.(anonymous function).(anonymous function)}

where you can see object properties.

For draggable elements:


or you could filter, or just select $('.ui-draggable');.

For droppable, you would use .ui-droppable, resizable is .ui-resizable, selectable is .ui-selectable for the container although the items you select are .ui-selectee, sortable is .ui-sortable for the container.