How to detect in jquery if screen resolution changes? How to detect in jquery if screen resolution changes? jquery jquery

How to detect in jquery if screen resolution changes?

Ok, so you're using jQuery. So let's make a custom event for it.

(function () {    var width = screen.width,        height = screen.height;    setInterval(function () {        if (screen.width !== width || screen.height !== height) {            width = screen.width;            height = screen.height;            $(window).trigger('resolutionchange');        }    }, 50);}());

Now $(window).bind('resolutionchange', fn) should do what you want.


$(window).resize(function() {alert('window was resized!');});

Try tracking screen.width and screen.height. They will return different values when changing the screen resolution. More info here.

function doSomething(){    if ( screen.width < 1280 ){        console.log('Too small')    }else{        console.log('Nice!')    }}

However, as far as i know there are no events triggered when changing the screen resolution; Which means you cannot do this $(screen).resize(function(){/*code here*/});

So another way to do it will be using a setTimeout() such as: [not recommended]

var timer,    checkScreenSize = function(){        if ( screen.width < 1280 ){            console.log('Too small')        }else{            console.log('Nice!')        }        timer = setTimeout(function(){ checkScreenSize(); }, 50);    };checkScreenSize();

The recommended version will be using the requestAnimationFrame. As described here by Paul Irish. Because if you're running the loop in a tab that's not visible, the browser won't keep it running. For better overall performance.

// shim layer with setTimeout fallbackwindow.requestAnimFrame = (function(){  return  window.requestAnimationFrame       ||           window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||           window.mozRequestAnimationFrame    ||           window.oRequestAnimationFrame      ||           window.msRequestAnimationFrame     ||           function( callback ){            window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);          };})();// usage: // instead of setInterval(checkScreenSize, 50) ....(function loop(){  requestAnimFrame(loop);  checkScreenSize();})();


For those who want to implement requestAnimationFrame in Nathan's answer, there you go; A custom jQuery event that is triggered on resolution change, uses requestAnimationFrame when available for less memory usage:

window.requestAnimFrame = (function(){    return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function( callback ){ window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); };})();var width = screen.width,    height = screen.height,    checkScreenSize = function () {        if (screen.width !== width || screen.height !== height) {            width = screen.width;            height = screen.height;            $(window).trigger('resolutionchange');        }    };(function loop(){  requestAnimFrame(loop);  checkScreenSize();})();


$(window).bind('resolutionchange', function(){    console.log('You have just changed your resolution!');});