How to exclude weekends between two dates using Moment.js How to exclude weekends between two dates using Moment.js jquery jquery

How to exclude weekends between two dates using Moment.js

Here you go!

function addWeekdays(date, days) {  date = moment(date); // use a clone  while (days > 0) {    date = date.add(1, 'days');    // decrease "days" only if it's a weekday.    if (date.isoWeekday() !== 6 && date.isoWeekday() !== 7) {      days -= 1;    }  }  return date;}

You call it like this

var date = addWeekdays(moment(), 5);

I used .isoWeekday instead of .weekday because it doesn't depend on the locale (.weekday(0) can be either Monday or Sunday).

Don't subtract weekdays, i.e addWeekdays(moment(), -3) otherwise this simple function will loop forever!

Updated JSFiddle (using different momentjs cdn)

Those iteration looped solutions would not fit my needs.They were too slow for large numbers.So I made my own version:

Hope you find it useful. plugin for momentJS might be helpful for similar tasks

It does not solves the exact problem, but it is able to calculate specific weekdays in the range.


moment().isoWeekdayCalc({    rangeStart: '1 Apr 2015',    rangeEnd: '31 Mar 2016',    weekdays: [1,2,3,4,5], //weekdays Mon to Fri  exclusions: ['6 Apr 2015','7 Apr 2015']  //public holidays}) //returns 260 (260 workdays excluding two public holidays)