How to get child element by ID in JavaScript? How to get child element by ID in JavaScript? jquery jquery

How to get child element by ID in JavaScript?

If jQuery is okay, you can use find(). It's basically equivalent to the way you are doing it right now.


You can also use jQuery selectors to basically achieve the same thing:

$('#note #textid');

Using these methods to get something that already has an ID is kind of strange, but I'm supplying these assuming it's not really how you plan on using it.

On a side note, you should know ID's should be unique in your webpage. If you plan on having multiple elements with the same "ID" consider using a specific class name.

Update 2020.03.10

It's a breeze to use native JS for this:

document.querySelector('#note #textid');

If you want to first find #note then #textid you have to check the first querySelector result. If it fails to match, chaining is no longer possible :(

var parent = document.querySelector('#note');var child = parent ? parent.querySelector('#textid') : null;

Here is a pure JavaScript solution (without jQuery)

var _Utils = function (){    this.findChildById = function (element, childID, isSearchInnerDescendant) // isSearchInnerDescendant <= true for search in inner childern     {        var retElement = null;        var lstChildren = isSearchInnerDescendant ? Utils.getAllDescendant(element) : element.childNodes;        for (var i = 0; i < lstChildren.length; i++)        {            if (lstChildren[i].id == childID)            {                retElement = lstChildren[i];                break;            }        }        return retElement;    }    this.getAllDescendant = function (element, lstChildrenNodes)    {        lstChildrenNodes = lstChildrenNodes ? lstChildrenNodes : [];        var lstChildren = element.childNodes;        for (var i = 0; i < lstChildren.length; i++)         {            if (lstChildren[i].nodeType == 1) // 1 is 'ELEMENT_NODE'            {                lstChildrenNodes.push(lstChildren[i]);                lstChildrenNodes = Utils.getAllDescendant(lstChildren[i], lstChildrenNodes);            }        }        return lstChildrenNodes;    }        }var Utils = new _Utils;

Example of use:

var myDiv = document.createElement("div");myDiv.innerHTML = "<table id='tableToolbar'>" +                        "<tr>" +                            "<td>" +                                "<div id='divIdToSearch'>" +                                "</div>" +                            "</td>" +                        "</tr>" +                    "</table>";var divToSearch = Utils.findChildById(myDiv, "divIdToSearch", true);

(Dwell in atom)<div id="note">   <textarea id="textid" class="textclass">Text</textarea></div><script type="text/javascript">   var note = document.getElementById('textid').value;   alert(note);</script>