How to get Domain name from URL using jquery..? How to get Domain name from URL using jquery..? jquery jquery

How to get Domain name from URL using jquery..?

In a browser

You can leverage the browser's URL parser using an <a> element:

var hostname = $('<a>').prop('href', url).prop('hostname');

or without jQuery:

var a = document.createElement('a');a.href = url;var hostname = a.hostname;

(This trick is particularly useful for resolving paths relative to the current page.)

Outside of a browser (and probably more efficiently):

Use the following function:

function get_hostname(url) {    var m = url.match(/^http:\/\/[^/]+/);    return m ? m[0] : null;}

Use it like this:


This will return as in your example output.

Hostname of the current page

If you are only trying the get the hostname of the current page, use document.location.hostname.

This worked for me.

$(location).attr('host');              $(location).attr('hostname');          $(location).attr('port');                        8082$(location).attr('protocol');                    http:$(location).attr('pathname');                    index.php$(location).attr('href');              $(location).attr('hash');                       #tab2$(location).attr('search');                     ?foo=123

Try like this.

var hostname = window.location.originIf the URL is "" then you will get  "" as the result.

This won't work for local domains

When you have URL like "https://localhost/MyProposal/MyDir/MyTestPage.aspx" and your virtual directory path is "https://localhost/MyProposal/" In such cases, you will get "https://localhost".