how to refresh Select2 dropdown menu after ajax loading different content? how to refresh Select2 dropdown menu after ajax loading different content? jquery jquery

how to refresh Select2 dropdown menu after ajax loading different content?

Select 3.*

Please see Update select2 data without rebuilding the control as this may be a duplicate. Another way is to destroy and then recreate the select2 element.


If you are having problems with resetting the state/region on country change try clearing the current value with

$("#dropdown").select2("val", "");

You can view the documentation here that outlines nearly/all features. Select2 supports events such as change that can be used to update the subsequent dropdowns.

$("#dropdown").on("change", function(e) {});

Select 4.* Update

You can now update the data/list without rebuilding the control using:

fooBarDropdown.select2({    data: fromAccountData});

It's common for other components to be listening to the change event, or for custom event handlers to be attached that may have side effects. Select2 does not have a custom event (like select2:update) that can be triggered other than change. You can rely on jQuery's event namespacing to limit the scope to Select2 though by triggering the *change.select2 event.

$('#state').trigger('change.select2'); // Notify only Select2 of changes

select2 has the placeholder parameter. Use that one

$("#state").select2({   placeholder: "Choose a Country" });