How to set cache false for getJSON in jQuery? How to set cache false for getJSON in jQuery? jquery jquery

How to set cache false for getJSON in jQuery?

Your code just needs a trigger for it to be enabled.

This will allow you to disable cache in all future ajax

$(document).ready(function() {  $.ajaxSetup({ cache: false });});

Hope it helps :)

You can use either this, that will disable cache globally:

$(document).ready(function() {  $.ajaxSetup({ cache: false });});

or that, instead of $.getJSON, to disable the cache just for such request:

$.ajax({    cache: false,    url: "/path/to.json",    dataType: "json",    success: function(data) {        ...    }});

semente's and bonesnatch's answers are correct, but if you want to use $.getJSON and elsewhere take advantage of it's caching (you don't want to set the cache to false for all calls), but you want to bust the cache just for a single call, you can inject a timestamp into data property of $.getJSON(). By adding a unique value to the query string of the request, the request will always be unique and not be cached by the browser - you will always get the latest data.

Long version:

var ts = new Date().getTime();var data = {_: ts};var url = '/some/path.json';$.getJSON(url, data);

All in one version:

$.getJSON('/some/path', {_: new Date().getTime()});

Both result in the following request:


where the number at the end is the timestamp for the moment that the code is called and will therefore always be unique.