How to write ternary operator condition in jQuery? How to write ternary operator condition in jQuery? jquery jquery

How to write ternary operator condition in jQuery?

I would go with such code:

var oBox = $("#blackbox");var curClass = oBox.attr("class");var newClass = (curClass == "bg_black") ? "bg_pink" : "bg_black";oBox.removeClass().addClass(newClass);

To have it working, you first have to change your CSS and remove the background from the #blackbox declaration, add those two classes:

.bg_black { background-color: #000; }.bg_pink { background-color: pink; }

And assign the class bg_black to the blackbox element initially.

Updated jsFiddle:

In my opinion it's more readable than the other answers but it's up to you to choose of course.

I think Dan and Nicola have suitable corrected code, however you may not be clear on why the original code didn't work.

What has been called here a "ternary operator" is called a conditional operator in ECMA-262 section 11.12. It has the form:

LogicalORExpression ? AssignmentExpression : AssignmentExpression

The LogicalORExpression is evaluated and the returned value converted to Boolean (just like an expression in an if condition). If it evaluates to true, then the first AssignmentExpression is evaluated and the returned value returned, otherwise the second is evaluated and returned.

The error in the original code is the extra semi-colons that change the attempted conditional operator into a series of statements with syntax errors.

I'd do (added caching):

var bbx = $("#blackbox"); bbx.css('background-color') === 'rgb(255, 192, 203)' ? bbx.css('background','black') : bbx.css('background','pink')

wroking fiddle (new AGAIN):

I had to change the first operator as css() returns the rgb value of the color