HTML5 Video pause and rewind HTML5 Video pause and rewind jquery jquery

HTML5 Video pause and rewind

You can get a reference to your jquery video element upon opening it (or closing the popup) and pause it using pause(), and then set the "currentTime" property to 0 to go back to the beginning.

Here's a reference to the documentation for currentTime.

here's a code sample:

var mediaElement = document.getElementById("video"); mediaElement.pause(); mediaElement.currentTime = 0;

To have a proper stop (pause & rewind) functionality you could do the following:

var video = document.getElementById('vidId');// or video = $('.video-selector')[0];video.pause();video.currentTime = 0;video.load();

Note: This is the only version that worked for me in chrome using nodejs (meteorjs) in the backend, serving webm & ogg files

Just call the pause() method of the video element. To reset the time, set currentTime to 0 (or any other value if needed, in seconds).