iPhone Mobile Safari: Force keyboard open iPhone Mobile Safari: Force keyboard open jquery jquery

iPhone Mobile Safari: Force keyboard open

Try this

Tested on Safari iPhone 7 & iPhone 6 Plus, Android 4.4

and it opened iOS virtual keyboard successfully when I touched the button.


1) make a Button to trigger keypress event => $('.btn_abc')

2) make a text input tag, and set the ID to this element => $('#search_input')

$( document ).ready(function() {  var focusTextField = function(){    console.log("focusElement");  };  var onKeypressHandler = function(){    console.log("* * * keypress event handler")    $('#search_input').blur().focus();  };  var onClickHandler = function() {    $('.btn_abc').trigger('keypress');  };  $('#search_input').bind('focus', focusTextField);  $('.btn_abc').bind('click', onClickHandler);  $('.btn_abc').bind('keypress', onKeypressHandler);});

Turn that button into an input field then instantly swap focus to the main input field. They keyboard will open and stay opened. Below is an example using a button like you asked, placing a transparent input field over the button the user clicks. Tested on an iPhone 4 (iOS 6/7) and an HTC Windows phone.

The input you want the user to focus on:

<input id="main" />

The button the user presses (with input field overlayed using css):

<a>Button</a><input onfocus="FocusMain()" />

Swap focus instantly:

function FocusMain(){    $("#main").focus();}