Is there a way to trigger mousemove and get event.pageX, event.pageY? Is there a way to trigger mousemove and get event.pageX, event.pageY? jquery jquery

Is there a way to trigger mousemove and get event.pageX, event.pageY?

You need to set pageX and pageY directly before triggering the event. To set these properties, make a jQuery.Event object.

// create a jQuery evente = $.Event('mousemove');// set coordinatese.pageX = 100;e.pageY = 100;// trigger event - must trigger on document$(document).trigger(e);

See it in jsFiddle.

I don't believe it possible to get the mouse coordinates on demand via JavaScript / jQuery; however if you bind the position to a global var you can then access them at anytime throughout the document like this:

$(document).ready(function(){   $().mousemove(function(e){      window.xPos = e.pageX;      window.yPos = e.pageY;   }); });

for a less CPU intensive option, you can add a timeout, although you trade performance for a slight delay in knowing where the mouse is:

function getMousePosition(timeoutMilliSeconds) {    $(document).one("mousemove", function (event) {        window.xPos = event.pageX;        window.yPos = event.pageY;        setTimeout("getMousePosition(" + timeoutMilliSeconds + ")", timeoutMilliSeconds);    });}getMousePosition(100);

You should now be able to access the window.xPos and window.yPos from anywhere in the document using either solution without needing to trigger a faux event.

I'm not sure I fully understand the question. You can do:

$('.someClass').mousemove(function(event){    console.log(event.pageX);    console.log(event.pageY);});

Now, whenever the mouse moves over someClass, it will register the xy cordinates. Here's the jsfiddle to see it in action and the jquery documentation.