Iterate over an object for Handlebars? [duplicate] Iterate over an object for Handlebars? [duplicate] jquery jquery

Iterate over an object for Handlebars? [duplicate]

use just "this"

`<script id="some-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template"><option value="none">Selec</option>{{#each data}}    <optgroup label="{{@key}}">    {{#each this}}        <option value="{{id}}">{{name}}</option>    {{/each}}    </optgroup>{{/each}}</script>`

Your current data format presents you with two problems:

  1. Handlebars really wants to iterate over arrays, not objects.
  2. JavaScript objects have no reliable order.

You'll have better luck if you can rearrange your data to be nested arrays, something like this:

var foods  = { /* what you already have */ };var for_hb = [        { name: 'Fruit',      foods: foods.Fruit },        { name: 'Vegetables', foods: foods.Vegetables },        //...];

You can do that with something simple like this:

var for_hb = [ ];for(var k in foods)    for_hb.push({name: k, foods: foods[k]});for_hb.sort(function(a, b) {    a =;    b =;    return a < b ? -1         : a > b ? +1         :          0;});var html = compiled_template({ groups: for_hb });

Then your template is simple:

<select>  <option value="">All Shows (default)</option>  {{#each group}}    <optgroup label="{{name}}">    {{#each foods}}      <option value="{{id}}">{{name}}</option>    {{/each}}  {{/each}}</select>

You could write a helper to iterate over an object but you'd still have to specify the keys in an array if you wanted to be sure of a sensible display order.

You can do this via a custom component see example, this is not supported by our default {{each}} helper (and that is intentional).

Sample Data:

a = {a:'muhammad', b :'asif', c: 'javed', username: 'maxifjaved'}


Online Demo for iterate throw an Object,js,output
