JavaScript split string to array of int JavaScript split string to array of int jquery jquery

JavaScript split string to array of int

var ArrayData = $('#TheData').html().split(',').map( Number );

Add to older browsers with the code from MDN.

You can use jQuery's $.map() in the same manner, though it won't work with $

var ArrayData = $.map( $('#TheData').html().split(','), Number );

var ArrayData = $.map($('#TheData').text().split(','), function(value){    return parseInt(value, 10);    // or return +value; which handles float values as well});

You can use $.map to transform the array of strings to ints by calling parseInt on each of the elements in the array

Pure Javascript solution:

const elementText = document.getElementById('divSourceID').innerText;const numericList = elementText.split(',').map(Number);

For more information:

  1. getElementById: "The Document method getElementById() returns an Element object representing the element whose id property matches the specified string. Since element IDs are required to be unique if specified, they're a useful way to get access to a specific element quickly. (...)". Source:

  2. "The map() method creates a new array populated with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling array". Source:

  3. This call means the first received argument will be automatically converted into number and results in the same as if you explicitly declare the arrow function:

const numericList = elementText.split(',').map(Number);

same result as:

const numericList = elementText.split(',').map(str => Number(str));

JIT: Special thanks to @Robbendebiene for the excellent code review, simplifying the previous code.