jQuery Change Image src with Fade Effect jQuery Change Image src with Fade Effect jquery jquery

jQuery Change Image src with Fade Effect

You have to make it fadeOut() first, or hide it.

Try this :

$(".thumbs a").click(function(e) {    e.preventDefault();    $imgURL = $(this).attr("href");    $(".boat_listing .mainGallery")        .fadeOut(400, function() {            $(".boat_listing .mainGallery").attr('src',$imgURL);        })        .fadeIn(400);});

It should fadeOut the image, then change the src when it's hidden, and then fadeIn.

Here's a jsFiddle example.

Edit: you can find a more recent & better solution in Sandeep Pal's anwser

I thing instead of using FadeIn and fadeOut, its better to use fadeTo functionality asfadeIn and fadeOut created a time gap between them for few micro-seconds.

I have used above code from Sylvain : thanks to him

$("#link").click(function() {  $("#image").fadeTo(1000,0.30, function() {      $("#image").attr("src",$("#link").attr("href"));  }).fadeTo(500,1);  return false;});

I reproduced the given samples above. It gives a strange flickering, which I found that it waits for image to load after it's opacity is restored to 1. I modified the code by Sandeep.

$("#link").click(function() {$("#image").fadeTo(1000,0.30, function() {  $("#image").attr("src",$("#link").attr("href"));  $("#image").on('load', function(){    $("#image").fadeTo(500,1);  }); }); return false;});`