jQuery filter by an attribute value jQuery filter by an attribute value jquery jquery

jQuery filter by an attribute value

Not claiming this is any more elegant, but using filter() on a collection allows much more flexibility on what you can match on, and is a little less error prone than string concatenation.

var matching = $('.selectedColumns a').filter(function(){                   return $(this).attr('attributeid') == 41                });    matching.prop('selected', true);

use a single = instead of 2. Also, the : shoudn't be there afaik

var link = $('.selectedColumns a[attributeid=' + $(this).val() + ']');

There's no need for the : or double = in your attribute-equals selector, it should just be:

$('.selectedColumns a[attributeid=' + $(this).val() + ']');

Also if you're using invalid attributes, consider using data- attributes which are valid in HTML5, for example data-id instead of attributeid.