jQuery insertAt jQuery insertAt jquery jquery

jQuery insertAt

Try something like this:

$("#thelist li").eq(3).after("<li>A new item</li>");

With the eq function, you can get a specific index of the elements retrieved...then, insert the new list item after it.

In the above function, I am inserting a new item at position 4 (index 3).

More info about the function at the jQuery Docs

A simple jQuery plugin (a small test suite) which permits adding an item at any index including 0.

$.fn.insertAt = function(index, $parent) {    return this.each(function() {        if (index === 0) {            $parent.prepend(this);        } else {            $parent.children().eq(index - 1).after(this);        }    });}

Assuming we have the following HTML:

<ul id="items">    <li>A</li></ul>

Then inserting an item at index 0 $('<li>C</li>').insertAt(0, $('#items')) will result in

<ul id="items">    <li>C</li>    <li>A</li></ul>

Inserting another item, this time at index 1 $('<li>B</li>').insertAt(1, $('#items')) yields

<ul id="items">    <li>C</li>    <li>B</li>    <li>A</li></ul>

Disclaimer: there is no error handling of input parameters. If index is negative or greater than the length of children or if index is not a number the behavior is more or less undefined. If $parent is not a jQuery object insertAt will fail.

Similar to Dreas's answer, but slightly different and possibly more efficient:

$("#thelist li:eq(2)").after("<li>new item</li>");

Or another way:

$("<li>new item</li>").insertAfter("#thelist li:eq(2)");