jquery prepend + fadeIn jquery prepend + fadeIn jquery jquery

jquery prepend + fadeIn

Assuming response is HTML then try this:

$(response).hide().prependTo("#be-images ul").fadeIn("slow");

When you do it this way:

$('#be-images ul').prepend(response).fadeIn('slow');

the thing you're actually fading in is the result of the initial selector (the list at the front), which is already visible.

+1 to cletus, but I just wanted to highlight the other way you could do it.

$('#be-images ul').prepend(    $(response).hide().fadeIn('slow'));

Try this:HTML

<button>Add</button><div id="data"></div>


$('button').click(function() {  $('#data').prepend('<div class="item">Test</div>'"');    $("#data .item:first-child").hide();   $("#data .item:first-child").fadeIn();});

Live Demo: jsfiddle