jQuery removing hash value from URL jQuery removing hash value from URL jquery jquery

jQuery removing hash value from URL


It depends on what the hash value does. If it just moves the document down to #a1, you just need to set scrollTop to 0 after document has been loaded probably.


looking on other stackoverflow questions,

parent.location.hash = ''

should do it, but maybe reloads the page (you have to test it)

Other than that, I advice you to handle it during/before your AJAX calls - i.e.

if (hash != 'a1'){ doAjax(); } //pseudocode obviously.

edit 2 with code based on posted code

Or, if you just need to call AJAX with url without hash, you can delete it in string, that calls the jQuery, no?

var $tabValue = $(this).attr('href');var $withoutHash = $tabValue.substr(0,$tabValue.indexOf('#'));

we basically get a's href before first #

A simple window.location.hash="" will do it.

This might be helpful to someone asking the same question, how to pull the data following a # in a href.


This will give #123 as 123.

Edit: I should probably note, if you're going to be calculating numbers from this data, best to use parseInt(this.hash.slice(1)); or else you'll get funky results.