jstree jquery how to iterate through all nodes jstree jquery how to iterate through all nodes jquery jquery

jstree jquery how to iterate through all nodes

This gets all the children of your tree in a flat array for your .each loop.

$("#tree").bind('ready.jstree', function(event, data) {  var $tree = $(this);  $($tree.jstree().get_json($tree, {      flat: true    }))    .each(function(index, value) {      var node = $("#tree").jstree().get_node(this.id);      var lvl = node.parents.length;      var idx = index;      console.log('node index = ' + idx + ' level = ' + lvl);    });});

JSFiddle - Docs for get_json

Another way is to open them before trying to access nodes in dom and then close them:

$("#tree").bind('ready.jstree', function (event, data) {  $(this).jstree().open_all(); // open all nodes so they are visible in dom    $('#tree li').each(function (index,value) {        var node = $("#tree").jstree().get_node(this.id);        var lvl = node.parents.length;        var idx = index;        console.log('node index = ' + idx + ' level = ' + lvl);    });    $(this).jstree().close_all(); // close all again});

"Nodes" is an overloaded term. Do you mean the HTML nodes or just the JSON data used to define each node in the jstree? I had a need to iterate through the jstree in order to extract the value for the ID field in each jstree node. If that's all you need, there's a simpler approach:

var v =$("#tree").jstree(true).get_json('#', {'flat': true});for (i = 0; i < v.length && i < 10; i++) {    var z = v[i];    alert("z[id] = " + z["id"]);}