KendoUI Grid Decimal number column KendoUI Grid Decimal number column jquery jquery

KendoUI Grid Decimal number column

Several questions (afaik):

  1. Format in columns is not defined as n4 but as {0:n4}.
  2. Formats are not just for the format of the number but might also include some text. Ex: {0:n4} Kg.
  3. For numeric columns, is not possible to specify attributes as decimals, step so you should define an editor function.

In addition, I don't understand your problems with decimals and round.

What I suggest is define the columns as:

{    field: "weight",    title: "Weight",    width: 40,    editor: numberEditor,    format: '{0:n3} Kg.'}

(assuming that you want three decimal precision) and define numberEditor as:

function numberEditor(container, options) {    $('<input name="' + options.field + '"/>')            .appendTo(container)            .kendoNumericTextBox({                format  : "{0:n3}",                decimals: 3,                step    : 0.001            });}