Knockout + Jquery Validate Knockout + Jquery Validate jquery jquery

Knockout + Jquery Validate

By default jQuery Validate does it's validation on submit. So if knockout is interrupting that, i.e. by not actually triggering the onSubmit event, that would do it. Your best bet may be to do as you were somewhat planning there in your sendToServer function - manually trigger the validation from your knockout submit event:

if (!$('form').valid()){    $('form').showErrors();    return false;}//otherwise, get on with whatever knockout needs to do...return true;

There is now a knockout jQuery validate binding, which I find very useful:

I'd like to recommend against using jQuery validate with knockout. The reason is that jQuery validate binds to the DOM, while knockout recommends working with the view model. This will lead to problems once you start adding more dependencies on the validation, such as preventing certain behavior if data is invalid, but you still need to retain the data. Go for knockout validation, it does the job very well.