KnockoutJS bind event after template render KnockoutJS bind event after template render jquery jquery

KnockoutJS bind event after template render

My colleague actually solved this last night using something we were playing with before I went home.

So the whole "problem" with the events “afterRender”, “afterAdd”, and “beforeRemove” is that they act differently in conjunction with a "foreach" binding. KnockoutJS is nice enough to tell you this on their page, but for whatever reason it didn't actually sink in for me until I saw it in practice.

What really works is to scrap the whole "foreach" binding and use Knockout's native "data" bind like this:

data-bind="template: { name: 'item-template', data: items, afterRender: caller }"

Then "afterRender" works exactly as the name suggests.

I was under the impression that you couldn't iterate the collection and render new UI without foreach, but these examples illustrate that it does work.

I made an example for both ViewModel styles because I sometimes need one or the other.

Thanks for the help Dan!!

Is beforeRemove is what you are looking for? I am not sure what behaviour you want to achieve. Please checkout this sample: it what you want or not?