knockoutjs get element id through click event knockoutjs get element id through click event jquery jquery

knockoutjs get element id through click event

You actually can get access to the event object via a KO click handler.

<button id="somebutton" data-bind="click: log">Click Me </button>var ViewModel = function() {    this.log = function(data, event) {        console.log("you clicked " +;    }};ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel());

Hope this helps.

The answer of madcapnmckay is not completely correct. You can better use currentTarget: it will return the original bound element instead of a child element, when i.e. you have a div with nested elements in it.

See this question


As @Ryan mentioned - event.currentTarget is not available for IE8. For <= IE8 support you can use:

var target = (event.currentTarget) ? event.currentTarget : event.srcElement;